No matter where you are in your awakening journey...

we truly believe you’ll find this film series profoundly inspiring and supportive. Awakening Mind offers answers, resolve and peace of mind for our most intimate and personal concerns of our life: Who am I? What is the purpose and meaning of life? How am I to navigate this world experience to the best of my ability for the benefit of all? And in this time where the world feels out of control and filled with so much suffering and sadness, these questions are particularly relevant, and the answers are a lot simpler than one might imagine. 

The trailer for Awakening Mind Part 3, ‘Who Am I?’ will be released very soon. Stay tuned!

Watch the all-new, full-length film, Awakening Mind Films Part 2, "The Mind Unveiled," which debuted on June 24th, 2024:

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"The Mind Unveiled" examines how the ego forms through socialization, constructing a false personal identity and setting in motion a cycle of suffering and seeming separateness. The film reveals the process of forgetting and reawakening, demonstrating how disidentifying from the ego leads to the recognition of one's true self as infinite consciousness. This realization brings authentic peace, fulfillment, and happiness. Ultimately, it highlights consciousness as the fundamental reality, reshaping our experience of life, and transforming our understanding of who we truly are. Since the release of The Mind Unveiled on YouTube, June 24, 2024,  this transformative sequel has reached over 655K views and was picked up by Gaia in August 2024. 


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 "Know Thyself" explores awakening as the next stage of human evolution, revealing that our true nature is already fully awake and aware. The film examines how the illusion of a separate self leads to perpetual dissatisfaction and suffering, while modern science increasingly supports the idea of consciousness as the fundamental reality of the universe. By recognizing our true nature, we open the door to peace, happiness, and a deep sense of interconnectedness. Since its release in June 2023, Know Thyself has reached over 3 million views on YouTube and is now available on Gaia, expanding its reach to a global audience.


Join Us in Inspiring a Global Awakening

Be part of the journey to bring Awakening Mind: Part 3 – Who Am I? to life. Your support allows us to offer this film for free, reaching hearts and minds worldwide.

Your contributions help fund:

  • Pre-production – Research, planning, and preparation.
  • Production – Travel, filming, interviews, and technical expenses.
  • Post-production – Editing, sound design, color grading, and distribution.

If the Awakening Mind Series resonates with you, consider making a donation to help fund Part 3, set for release in 2025. Your generosity plays a vital role in making this vision a reality.


The Awakening Mind Film Series is a collaboration between Awakening Mind Films, LLC, the Awaken the World Initiative, and the Center for Awakening.

Understand that the peace and happiness for which we all long above all else can never, by definition, be found in objective experience. It can never be provided by objects, substances, activities and relationships. I would suggest understanding that clearly and not spending the rest of one’s life seeking fulfillment where it can not be found.
Anyone who is watching this movie is doing so precisely because they have either understood or at least intuited that the peace and happiness for which they long cannot be found in objective experience and have begun this investigation into their true nature. That is the most important investigation one can make. It is the investigation upon which depends our happiness.


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What People Are Saying...

"I just finished watching Awakening Mind, Part 2. It was great! Everything was so simply beautifully stated. I’ll definitely watch again with friends. Thank you and everyone else in making this film possible."


"The viewing was unlike anything I have ever experienced because... this film 'is' an experience. If part of the intention was to give viewers a glimpse into awakening or to create the conditions from which awakening can occur — it's astonishingly successful."


"Thank you so much for this deep understanding of our true nature. It brought tears at times and a deep desire to live in gratitude, love, compassion and AWAKE."